- Sheetal Pudasaini
Class-X, Greenland High School, Kathmandu
AAFAILAI CHINNE KOSIS आफैंलाइ चिन्ने कोसिस is a motivational book for everyone. This book describes the way of living a life. It says education is not only important but knowledge and wisdom is very important. By the help of knowledge and wisdom, we can get desired success. We should know the right way of walking in life and should not waste time with wrong options. Finding that right option is knowing oneself best. Beside that, we know we should be happy too. Knowing oneself is the best option to be happy. All ten chapters of the book are like the organs of our body. If we separate one, the whole body becomes incomplete.
The author, Mr.Tulsi Niroula says that one person can get success by making others succeed more. The book also hints for the unity of all Nepalese people. We know that everyday around 1500-2000 people are going abroad. Another objective of this book is to eradicate the brain drain and use the skilled youths for development of Nepal.
We should try to know ourselves and know the one thing, the main source of volcanic epicenter. We should listen either of our heart or our brain, but the heart more than the brain. Brain sometimes lures to money and other material things. The decision taken by the core of heart is never wrong. Its called passion turned into a profession.
People are very important than money. A person is a person because of another person. Writer tells this truth everywhere. He tells to earn more money by shaping more skills and good qualities. Shortcut ways are always the dangerous ones. Binod Chaudhary also says the money or financial pole is the center of the tent. If it is strong, all other poles of love and happiness grow stronger. Money is the balancing pole. Discipline is another name of intelligence. Disciplined people are intelligent and wise too.
This book brings the great rays of light. This is the main objective of writer. We should try to understand ourselves and practise the way of good living. The book shows the path of this good living and the way to success.
I found the ultimate source of motivation or the source of inspiration that will carry me to the peak of writing career and help me to form a multicolored rainbow. There are no any distractions on any lines. There are many creative writing prompts which has made this book more attractive. There are new as well as challanging words. After reading this book, there is only one thing in my brain,
“the psychology of achevement”
The books has helped me in clarifying my personal goal and put extra effort in achieving it. This book heats both brain and heart to the depth. If there were some more examples of success, we could know how to achieve that better.
I strongly recommend this book to even lower secondary students of all schools of the country. I enjoyed in my Class X book reading and review competition but I feel it’s too late to dive into such books. I have heard that many European countries teach around 100 books to a class for achieving some clear objectives. But we are limited with few books recommended for each class. It’s not good. Wings are for flying far and wide but not for flapping inside a room only. This book should be taught to students by class 6 and above in each school. That is the best start of knowing oneself and be clear on our life goal.
I will rate this book fully 5 stars. Mr Niroula is a wordsmith person. He sees the world not as a place made up of things but of words about those things. In his head, its words, all day. He has strong vocabulary and passion for reading. His ideas are the heart of the message, content of the piece and the main theme. Sentence fluency is the rhythm and flow of the language, are best things among all. His writiing skill is the way of communication that allows him to put his feeling and ideas on paper. His written expression has been as vivid as a work of art. He has expository, descriptive, narrative, persuasive and creative writing skill.
The book very beneficial, to the success lovers. The best chapter is the last one where writer talks about happiness. He describes that we can be happiest only by winning the inner war. Unity and collaboration are also the best ways to be happier. Selfishness and over greed are the major agents that destroy a human being and turn into a machine of making things.
Success, love and happiness seekers can pick this book. Only hungry minds need this book more and will enjoy it. The ones who want to change himself or herself can read it and move ahead into the right direction. All challenges of life cannot be solved by ourselves and if we read such books, we enter into the new brains and can dig some new ideas and can apply to solve our problems. The book shares some super skills. I felt that everything is possible if we know our real feel and go ahead with it and with deep passion. Thank you Mr Niroula for this book and thank you Thakin sir, our principal, for opening our eyes.
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